Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Opening Salvo on Human Nature

The World is a fucked up place. Every day, a child in the Middle East gets a leg blown off by a land mine. A family starves in Africa because the corrupt government steals the foreign aid money sent to feed them. A suicide bomber blows himself up, killing innocents for not believing in his fictional supernatural psychotic hallucination the right way. Another family, this time in America freezes to death because some psychosexual prick set their house on fire so that he can jack off to it. How fucked up is that? Somewhere, a corporate ladder climber is fired because his "friend" framed him by sneaking donkey porn onto his workstation so that he'll get the promotion to chief cock sucker and director of brown-nosing. A beggar stealthily kills a fellow pan-handler in his sleep by bludgeoning him to death with a pointy rock he found, all to nab his days take of loose change. A woman is mugged and stabbed to death so a meth addict can get his next score. Somewhere a sweet little girl in a floral print dress is led by the hand into a dark bedroom by her nice uncle, spurred with promises of candy and teddy bears. We all know how the story goes. No presents await our sweet innocent little girl, only a brutal rape and traumatizing threats, "You're mommy and daddy will hate you if tou tell them about this, they'll throw you away," and, "You're a filthy and disgusting girl, you wanted this because you were wearing a dress." What happens to our sweet innocent girl after this? Traumatized, alone scared and ashamed, with nobody to talk to, she runs away from home. With nowhere to go, she gets picked up by a pimp. She becomes a prostitute, is raped, abused, beaten and raped again. She dies from a heroin overdose, drowning in her own vomit at the tender age of sixteen, her life ended before it was even begun. Maybe she was one of the lucky ones. When I was eight years old, a white boy living in South Africa, a friend of mine bled to death after having his penis chopped off by a black man so that his local witchdoctor can turn it into an aphrodisiac. Another friend of mine, yet another little girl, was raped by a black man because of a local superstition that having sex with a virgin could cure his AIDS. She died after her defenseless body was ravaged by a cold virus a few years later. Every day, a thousand acts like this and some even worse take place, because of simple human nature. You don't hear about these things very often. You know they happen, you just try not to think about, you distract yourself by reading strangers blogs and watching TV, by living your own, ultimately irrelevant lives. Yet despite your attempts to ignore their cries, children are suffering, families are starving, innocent peopled get fucked over and die, every damn day. Now, I ask you this: do you care? Really and truly? Does your heart bleed for them? Do you feel their pain? Do you really, deep down inside have some kind of emotional reaction of sorrow when faced with the worlds pain? When you get down to it, at the heart of everything that you are, do you give one flying fuck about the shit that befalls someone halfway around the world, or even around the fucking block? Of course you don't, no human does. Its human nature. There is no man, woman or child who can truly care about all the worlds ills. There is no Atlas among us to bear the worlds pain on his shoulders. Oh, on a superficial level, some of us like to think that some guy one-thousand-nine-hundred and seventy-nine years ago got nailed to a stick to save our "souls" but the truth is, he was either a myth or another deranged schizophrenic talking to voices in head like all the other fucking prophets down the centuries. If God existed, I'd pray that Nietchze could have right when he proclaimed "God is Dead!" If anybody knew what the fucker was supposed to look like, I'd make a statue of him just to ram a pike up his ass and stick him on my lawn, keep those damn Mormon cunts off my lawn while I scream, "Yeah I fucking killed God, you have something you wanna say about it?!" Unfortunately religion is part of human nature as well. We all fear the bigger buy with the bigger stick and the stick doesn't get much bigger "All Powerful." And so the sheep line up for their assfucking with God's "Divine Wrath" while his priests rifle through your pockets to get enough cash to bring the assfuckings to the next "unenlightened culture." But, of course the money first has to pay for the silk robes and fancy gold chalices and great motherfucking cathedrals. Did you know that while the Church was building its giant stone cathedrals with gold trim and stained fucking glass windows, the peasants were living in leaky straw huts? What happended to "do unto others", "no, God needs to big fucking stone house to live in, now take your assfucking like a good little sheep." Thats God for you, professional sheep fucker. Or should I say, clergy, professional sheep fuckers and con artists. Thats just some humans for you. too weak to stand on their own legs and see the truth, we're freaks of evolution, millions of years of random chance to give us life: you're born, fucked over by your fellow man, you grow old and you die. Everything ends fucking there. This brings me to the core of human nature, the creamy filling of purest humanity inside the shell of of every human being is... competition. I don't mean a neat competition like in sports, or academics, I'm talking about the primal, instinctual desire to fuck over every other person who looks to be getting ahead of us. Some of you may say to yourselves, "I'm not competetive, I just like to help people, I'm a nice person." Well fuck you. you bullshit spewing self-ingnorant bullshit fountain. Every human being alive today exists because their ancestors fucked someone over in the past. All of us have arrived at this point today by walking on a road of bones, by climbing a pile of corpses, corpses of the weak, the corpses of those not fit enough to survive. Everytime your parents told you to do your best, reach for the stars, be whatever you want to be, they were telling you to fuck someone over to get there. When you played on the swing set at school, you fucked someone over, whenver you got in line for your school lunch, whenever you got a sticker on your test or your teachers praise, whenever you scored a decent percentile on the SAT, whenever you got into college, got a diploma, a job, a raise, a promotion, you fucked someone over. In a world with finite resources, every time you breath, drink, eat, you steal that away from someone else. And everytime your boss yells at you, everytime someone cuts you off, everytime someone takes something that you want, everytime someone with a bigger stick makes you back down, you're the one getting fucked over. So why the hell should you care when some guy you don't even know gets beaten to death and fucked over, you're doing it to people everyday, and everyday it happens to you. So remember kiddos, everyone, from the criminal mugging the nice lady, to the pedophile, to the environmental activist and the rich philanthropist, is doing what they're doing for themselves first, even if you can't see the benefit to them.

Join me next time for "Why its Okay to Fuck People Over."

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